The Rise of Social Media - A Double Sided Coin for Marketers

The development of Web. 2.0 technologies and rise of social media have taken most of us by surprise, marketers included, with the unexpected power shift and empowerment of consumers. The rise of social media and resulting power shift has turned the world upside down for marketers, requiring immediate adjustment to their mindsets, alteration of their strategies, and rethinking of their business approach to marketing.With the new interconnected era comes a new set of opportunities and challenges for marketers, which are to be examined shortly along with the areas in which marketers have experienced empowerment or disempowerment. 

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International brand managers and strong social media presence. Part 2

As discussed in the first part, strong social media presence on the social media platforms presents both advantages and disadvantages (Barwise and Meehan, 2010). The companies are thus able to use a two-way online communication model to market their products to the audience and get some positive and negative feedback that will help companies improve the quality of their products and offer more brand value for its customers (Akar, 2013).

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