Why people participate in eWOM?

Word-of-mouth is considered to be one of the most powerful and trusted sources of product and experience information for consumers. Consumers tend to trust the opinions of peers and individuals similar to themselves over marketing generated content which only aims to make them purchase the product. However, in recent years the usage of social media has grown tremendously which has caused a shift from traditional WOM behavior to an electronic element resulting in a substantial research stream—electronic WOM (eWOM). eWOM allows consumers to socially interact with one another, exchange product-related information, and make in- formed purchase decisions via computer-mediated conversations. (King, Racherla & Bush, 2014). 

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The Social Traveler The power of electronic Word-of-Mouth in the travel category

The travel sector, as the majority of industries in the market, fell dramatically after the recession crisis of 2008. According to a study conducted by Oxford Economics (Oxford Economics & Amadeus, 2010), The global arrivals decreased 4% between 2008 and 2009 and tourism receipts were 5.7% below the previous years' levels (Oxford Economics & Amadeus, 2010). There is a possibility this decrease was due to travelers spending less per journey. To survive, hotels, flights, and touristic destinations had to adapt to be more competent with their offers and services by adjusting their prices and lowering them. The latter resulted not only in an evolution of the sector but also in the formation of smarter travelers. 

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Social Media in Youth Tourism – The Creation of Traveller 2.0 Part 1

Social Media – The New Source of Inspiration

Let’s consider two scenarios: 

January 1990: “What do you think about summer holidays this year? Let’s go to the travel agency tomorrow and get some brochures for inspiration.” 

January 2014: “What do you think about a trip to London next weekend? My friend just posted some great pictures of her shopping at Oxford Street. Also holidayguru posted a deal – Two people, London, only 100 pounds.” 

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