Why Big Data will not have all the answers for consumer marketing

Elliot, a fictional character created by USA network's "Mr Robot", is a vigilante hacker who suffers from a social anxiety disorder. For the skills he lacks in real-life communication, Elliot compensates them with inapt hacking abilities. Elliot constructs his interpretation of the real world by tapping into the digital lives of his friends and co-workers. While he gets it right at times, his conjectures are more frequently distorted or inflated.

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Fashion rental – you are what you access?

You are what you own”, is something that Belk (1988) once argued for. 15 years later this argument does not sound that convincing anymore.

No one has probably missed out on the fact that sharing economy is a growing consumption trend in today’s society. Companies such as Netflix, Uber and Airbnb have in short time grown into business giants, and the number of companies that are capitalizing the trend of utilizing property-sharing is growing.

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A guide to success: How to raise capital online via crowdfunding

In today´s business world, there are many options to finance a company or the development of a new product. Opposed to the traditional methods like equity financing, shareholder investment or debt financing, crowdfunding presents a more innovative and considerably different approach. 

But first things first. What exactly is crowdfunding? 

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Gamification as a Game Changer? A Comprehensive Guide to Gamification and How to Get it Right

Undoubtedly, Gamification has been one of the most important digital buzzwords in the past few years. It is an essential part of many successful websites and applications, it can skyrocket engagement rates to unprecedented levels and it is able to make people really love your brand. But why is gamification so incredibly powerful?

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